Talent Pioneers

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Technology Changing the face of Education

“Technology not only Changes the face of education but also the fate of Education.”  We are living in an era ruled by technological advancement that has eradicated most of the darkness of illiteracy. The traditional way of teaching has a lot of good ways/methods, but also have some flaws. Flaws like, student doesn’t get exposed to all kind of info related to that particular subject.

         We are gaining so much from it but we should not say no to the fact that it is diverting the student of age 15-22yr from studies because this age group student does not have that mature mind to concentrate on one thing positively and which make them think negative and technology is a booster for them. The innovative way of developed technology helping the people to get the solutions of all queries. E- learning courses are increasing skills. Many of the important communications are happening through social network websites. Now a days using Digital boards in Digital classrooms make study very simple, more collaborative and interactive also. In this digital classrooms you can record faculties lecture for further use and broadcast it anywhere in the world simultaneously live. Using these digital classrooms, you can interact teacher personally and questioning and answering privately. In this way you can make your study more detailed. It allows us to have easier access to "answers" but now students can practically cheat their way through school and not actually learn a single thing.

 Technology is good servant but bad master. The majority of people are using technology to waste time on apps and social media. The legitimate way of usage will be always helps for the education


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